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Retreat – A Journey of Self-Discovery

When Was the Last Time You Truly Focused on Yourself? Indulge in a Stress-Free Retreat of Relaxation, Self-Care, and Connection with Like-Minded person?

20 septembrie 2024

What will we do in this retreat?

Inner self and your mission workshop

One of the most important things in life is to know who you are, what you can do, how you can do it, where and when. Understanding who we are, we understand our energy, our mission in life. It means getting in contact with your higher self and accessing that infinite potential within you.

That is where these five questions what are these five questions come to answer it is called the rule of the five w’s.

We invite you in a journey of self-discovery where you will understand who you are, what is your divine energy, your gifts and attributes and how to access them and what is your personal mission, what you can do with your inner power.


Quantum healing workshop

Quantum Healing is about connecting you with the deepest levels of your Consciousness  in order to help  you create  positive changes in your life in the process of self discovery. The heart of Quantum Healing is The Heart electromagnetic field. Our Heart has the capacity to emit up to 40-60% more electric energy than the brain. And your electro-magnetic field can extend up to 10-12 feet away from your body, making it measurable form outside your body. 

Everything that you store in your field from negative emotions like anger, sadness, feelings of unworthiness , doubt, pain, they all tend to clough the passing of your energy and create lack of vitality, depression..etc… . 

In time you start to identify with these emotions and stop identifying with your True Self. That means that your inner resonance shifts form your Light to your Shadow and you start attracting  things that resonate with your Shadow.

Embrace your Sensual Being workshop

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, reconnecting with your body, and tapping into your innate sensuality?

 Join us for „Embrace Your Sensual Being” a dynamic dance-movement workshop designed to help you unleash your authentic self and embrace the full spectrum of your sensuality.

Led by an experienced facilitator in a safe and supportive environment, this

Throughout the workshop, you’ll have the opportunity to:

Quantum Flow Activations

 Quantum Flow is a holistic embodiment method that engages every aspect of your being, serving as a conduit to manifest your deepest desires and life purpose. 

By integrating movement, breath, sound, and meditation, it unlocks the quantum field’s infinite potential, using your body as a vessel for transformation and abundance.

 I am guiding you to access answers from within, aligning with your soul’s calling rather than ego-driven aspirations.


Through seven stages of manifestation, including Grounding, Alchemy, and Integration, participants delve into their authentic selves, shedding what no longer serves and embodying their highest potential. This journey involves rewiring the nervous system, expanding the energy body, and aligning with divine truth, facilitating manifestation on physical, energetic, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. Quantum Flow empowers individuals to live in a state of flow, harnessing emotions as transformative tools and reconnecting with their innate vibration of the soul.

I am Eduard and I am your certified guide in this journey!

Conscious journeys 

Conscious journeys are interspersed with meditations and rituals for accessing the gifts of our ancestors, a radiesthesia ritual for permission and connection with nature, an energetic cleansing meditation, Theta Healing meditations for fulfilling a soul’s desire, Theta Healing meditation for activating and receiving the gifts of the earth from those places where we find ourselves, and much valuable information about how we can raise our vibration.

Energetic bonds Workshop

It is a known fact that the healthiest way for each of us is to maintain our own energy, without holding any energetic bonds or attachments in our energy field, either if it is with a person, a physical place or object. By keeping our energy focused and clear, we have a greater mental clarity, greater vitality and inner balance. For this reason, it is recommended to free ourselves from energetic ties with other people, whether they are family, former partners, friends or people with whom at some point we have created a connection on a certain level.

In this workshop you will be guided to have a better understanding of the energetic bonds, the subtle way on how they are created with people, places or objects and in the end, we will have a meditation where  you will free yourself from all the energetic bonds that can be removed in the present moment, heal the attachments that created them and recover your personal energy.

The path to self-healing Workshop

In this workshop you will find from Marian, who is now an Intuitive healer, about his journey of self-healing and what he became aware of during it.

How did he heal from an autoimmune disease?

What emotions are behind our health issues?

What steps do we need to take towards our healing process?

At the end of the workshop, we will have a meditation of cleansing and healing at the cellular level.


Suntem dedicați să vă oferim o experiență unică și memorabilă, iar în acest sens am pregătit o varietate de activități, de la ateliere creative și de dezvoltare personală, până la drumeții și momente de relaxare în natură. Fiecare detaliu este gândit pentru a vă oferi o experiență autentică și împlinitoare.
Theona Balan

Trainer, Speaker motivațional, Terapeut la Fondatoarea Clubului VIP al Femeilor Împlinite, Autor la Autor carte Esență Feminina.

Irina Iordache

Coach & Mentor Misiune Personala. Theta healer. Hipnoterapeut. NLP Master. Instructor dans energetic.

Alexandra Stan

Specialist în Joacă Educativă și Distractivă și Expert în Utilizarea Jucăriilor și Cărților pentru a Îndeplini Nevoile și Emoțiile Copiilor

Marian Georgescu

Intuitive healing

Milena Cornelia Grigore

Consilier dezvoltare personala si terapeut spiritual

Eduard Adrian Stan

Specialist in Transformare Umana prin Metode Quantice, Access Bars, Arhitect in Tehnologie si explorator in Bio-Energie

Andreea Radics

ghid montan, creatoarea grupului „cu cei mici la înălțime”, terapeut holistic, facilitator Constelatii familiale și de intenții, terapeut Access Bars, theta healing, aliniere Divina.

Raluca Armega

educator Montesorii, creatoarea păpușii Bella-Isa cu Tutu, facilitator ateliere de dezvoltare personală pentru copii, instructor yoga pentru copii.

Cristina Paul

Psiholog și Life-coach I Consilier dezvoltare personală, Terapeut acces bars

Camelia Bulea

Coach pentru femei

Adi Nagy

Maestru Arte Marțiale

Andreea Parti

Facilitator acces bars (procese de corp si facelift), clase de stretching si sport.

Klara Kalman

Kinetoterapeut și Instructor Pilates

Corina Clepcea

Constelator, psiholog, psihoterapeut specializat in psihoterapie integrativă, psihoterapie dialectic-comportamentală, terapia cuplului și sexualității, hipnoterapie, terapeut de terapii complementare, formator (coach), consilier dezvoltare personal, ne va fi alături pe întreaga perioada a evenimentului.

Andreea Parti

Facilitator acces bars (procese de corp si facelift), clase de stretching si sport.


Locația hotelului iese în evidență datorită peisajului de poveste, oferind oaspeților noștri o priveliște de vis asupra bogățiilor naturii din Ardeal. Grădina noastră, cuprinsă de mireasma aerului proaspăt, reprezintă locul ideal pentru serile liniștite de primăvară.

Atracțiile din apropriere includ Muzeul Național Secuiesc, Muzeul Haszmann Pál din Cernat, Castelul Kalnoky din Micloșoara, Băile Șugaș, Lacul Sfânta Ana, orașul Brașov, Poiana-Brașov și Cetatea Râșnov.

Prin unicitatea locului oaspeții noștri se pot îndepărta de vârtejul zgomotos al vieții cotidiene și se pot bucura de o adevărată oază de liniște.

Cele douăzeci de camere ale hotelului au fost create în concordanță cu stilul modern și elegant al hotelurilor internaționale de tip boutique.

Locația oferă parcare gratuită privată (cu supraveghere video), WiFi pe teritoriul hotelului și mic dejun în sistem bufet suedez.

Hotelul Panorama Boutique Hotel se află în orașul Sfântu Gheorghe și se poate ajunge cu trenul, autobuzul sau autoturismul personal.


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Dacă doreşti mai multe informaţii sau dacă vrei să ne cunoaştem, lasă-ne un mesaj.

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Retreat – A Journey of Self-Discovery

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Retreat – A Journey of Self-Discovery

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